Love (and Wedding Planning in the Time of Corona)
Phew. Well. What a few years it has been. Hasn’t it been crazy? And if you’re planning a new wedding or are on your fourth postponement…it has been extra crazy.
I think that first round of postponements were heart breaking and very difficult, but it felt like all this would be over by the year after didn’t? it? But now…it’s been a while. And it has felt just unrelenting sometimes.
A lot of couples have (very understandably) lost their wedding planning mojo. And I get that. Money stresses, worrying about relatives safety and health coupled with anxieties about socialising all stack up. And it can feel like the sparkle and shine has been rubbed off the planning process somewhat.
But. This is the thing. We all need these celebrations so much more now. If the past year (2 years? 3 years? How long has it been now?!) has taught us anything – it is that we should grab onto the opportunities for joy and for fun when we can. And anything that involves a whole lot of love? Well we all need that more than ever too.
So – use this as an opportunity to really step back and take a long look at the wedding that YOU both want. What do you actually want to do on your wedding day? How do you want to mark it? Some couples I know are going big, HUGE in fact. They’re grabbing the chance for a party and a big celebration to make up for the past few years, with a blow out that they’ve been dreaming of since they got engaged.
Likewise…some couples have realised that this is no longer for them or what they want. And good for them. Big country house venues have been swapped for their own back gardens, formal wedding breakfasts for homemade pizzas and a cake from M&S (which, by the way, are always delicious and this Celebrant will always take home a slice of cake when it’s offered!)
Because, at the end of the day, it’s all about you. And I know that must be an easy thing to say. But it really is. It’s okay to be a bit selfish! Choose the day that reflects you guys. So that you can look back over the pictures, over the memories and cherish the day that you both deserve.
And that’s how you get the wedding planning mojo back – by taking a breath and seeing the delays as an opportunity to have the day that you really want.
Trust me – it will be worth it.
Emma x
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